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  • Writer's pictureKrishna Gopal

Building Attitude

Many times you hear leaders say, "Give me a person with Attitude and I will train them on the skills required"

And yet, B schools do very little to build this basic requirement for success. There are feeble attempts here and there but basically its too little overall. Attitude also has a lot to do with values inculcated at the time of upbringing - Discipline, Timeliness, Commitment, Orderliness etc. And if this has not happened well enough, then by the time they arrive at a B school, the effort required to build attitude goes up significantly.

I call it (in IT language) the hardening of the kernel. Then the effort to rewrite the Operating System becomes that much more difficult. But it is not impossible either. Through a combination of edification and inspiration it is possible to alter the OS to be able to build the right attitude.

In the picture above is the AIM Ethos - the 10 commandments so to speak!!! We use this and through a combination of sharing, story telling and rehearsing we let the essence seep in every single day over 21 days.

Is it a wild and unqualified success? I think no. But does it make a positive impact and is there a change in attitude for the better? I think yes.

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